Frequently Asked Questions

Are you looking for a dental web designer that understands the market?

We specialise in rebranding and revamping your website to create sleek and modern designs. We also create dental websites for brand new clinics entering the market.

Tooth Finity has been created by dentists who are also web designers. We have experience in the market and understand the realities of dentistry. We want your website to attract the right clients and take the pressure off you. We deal with compliance to allow you to spend time on dentistry.

We are open and transparent about our costs, the same way that we practise ethical dentistry – we also practise ethical web design. We offer the whole package, dental web design, content, SEO help, marketing advice, management, compliance, and more. Just ask us!

We pride ourselves on quality and quick turnarounds. Google and other search engines take time to recognise your site and boost it up the page. Therefore, we strive to create a site as efficiently as we can. We can get your website done within 2 weeks.